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TRICKY TREATS: Our Halloween 2023 Guide

Halloween - a ghoulishly great time for kids and adults alike. While it has been celebrated in many forms for centuries in the UK (most scholars believe it has its roots in the Celtic Samhain!), it has changed dramatically in recent years due to influence from our North American friends.
Whatever your opinion on horror movies, trick or treating, or fancy dress, we can't deny that Halloween is quickly becoming a favourite holiday for many, especially paired with Bonfire Night so close! It's a perfect excuse to dress up, have a little fun with friends, and forget all your fears with a night of made-up terrors instead.
dastardly decorations
A spooky selection of items to decorate and celebrate the day with!
Creepy costume additions
No tricks here - only treats!
frightening facts about halloween
Whatever your opinion on Halloween, whatever traditions you observe, it certainly won't be leaving our cultural consciousness any time soon! We hope these top picks, unique celebrations, and fun facts have inspired a Halloween-y idea or two.